
Trust Machines - The Hidden Kingdom

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Literature Text

The Hidden Kingdom


Trust Machines story



"You're actually serious, aren't you?" Steve asked his wife Amanda. She didn't answer. They'd been married for long enough that she knew when Steve was awaiting an answer or when he was simply asking rhetorical question. "I'd thought that your shark-fantasy had been just a tiny little bit crazy, but this is in an entirely different league." 

"Hey!" Amanda retorted. "That was awesome. And don't forget the time you spent as a dolphin. If the shark was crazy, then why not the dolphin?" 

Now Steve actually grinned. "You've seen this fun-swim competition on TV, haven't you? There was one dolphin racing as well. He even won! They wouldn't have shown his change when it would've been crazy. But there were no full sharks. So sharks must be crazy." contentedly he leaned back on his chair and twinkled impishly at Amanda, waiting for her reaction to his reasoning. 

She simply snorted. "The only crazy thing here is your reasoning and you know it. You're just screwing with me, aren't you?" 

"Foey. We've been married for too long, you can read me like an open book. Bring me the divorce papers at once, before you discover the three affairs I'm currently running!"

To this, Amanda couldn't do other than to laugh and Steve joined in. But then he sobered up.

"No, really. I'll do what you want, but where did you get the idea anyway? I'd thought that your encounter in the forest last month had given you a terrible scare, and this involves way worse dangers. You do know that, do you?" 

Amanda pondered this question for a moment, thinking about how she'd be responding best. 

She'd always been fascinated by the thought of becoming a shark, and when Services Unlimited had transformed her into one for a day last year, her life long's dream had been realized. But afterwards, she'd become even more curious. True, a shark transformation was still her biggest dream and she waited eagerly for the day when she could repeat it. On the other hand... there were enough other animal species out there, many of them being way easier to change into using a Venn Machine than a shark. A dog, for example, didn't have to care about such trifling problems like finding saltwater. 

So several months after her adventure, she'd begged Steve to transform her into an animal again and he'd spent the weekend with his new pet, a cuddly cat. From there on, she'd tried several animal forms. Aside from having been a cat, she'd become a dog, a pet pony and a parrot. Always staying inside the house. 

That was until she'd wanted to become a real, wild animal. Like the shark she'd been. So Steve had transformed her into a doe last month and she'd set out into the nearby woods. The transformation had been set for 24 hours, but six hours before she would have transformed back, she'd encountered a hunter. 

It had been a mistake not to check beforehand when hunting season would begin, but in hindsight, the mistakes are always clear to see. 

She'd been roaming through the undergrowth when suddenly an invisible hammer had punched her in the flank. The rolling thunder which had followed had made abundantly clear what had happened and panicked, she'd tried to escape. She'd barely made ten yards when she had tasted something metallic on her tongue and her legs had failed her. 

Of course she'd known that she wouldn't 'die', that even a corpse would transform back into her true, living body once the duration of change would be over, but that wasn't particularly comforting when you were lying in the mud, feeling the incredible pain, feeling your life flowing out of your body and realizing how your heartbeat was getting weaker and weaker. Thankfully, it hadn't taken long, and after less than five minutes, relieving darkness had encompassed her.

Thanks to the Trust Machine's peculiarities, she'd still been 'conscious' in her dead body, but the pain had been gone and at least her eyes had closed upon dying. She'd 'awakened' six hours later in front of a startled hunter who'd apparently just wanted to start eviscerating her body. Amanda still silently thanked her creator that he hadn't started an hour earlier, otherwise she'd have been in for some very unpleasant experiences. The hunter had been helpful, even driving her to the point where she'd wanted to meet with Steve, but of course he had been a little bit miffed that his Sunday roast had literally evaporated away from him. 

Of course the experience had upset her. She'd practically died! And that had been her last trip into the animal kingdom. At least until now. Truth to tell, she hadn't been that upset by the unwanted experience. It had shaken her for a couple of days, but afterwards she'd been fine. Apparently it differed from human to human how you could handle the experience of 'dying' while venned. There were many who, like Amanda, could simply store away such an episode under 'memory, unpleasant, one', but there were also people who couldn't.

Her aunt Alysha was one of those poor few. She'd been a male version of herself when her car had crashed and she'd been trapped in the wreckage, slowly being burnt alive. She'd become totally catatonic after the accident, and now, six months later, there was still no improvement in sight. 

But the real reason that Amanda hadn't transformed into an animal anymore actually was that by now, she thought of it to be boring. True, her body and senses were different, for example as a doe, but they were still amply familiar and she still had four limbs. She was missing the exhilaration of otherness, something she'd had during her shark adventure.

And then, last weekend, she'd zapped through her TV's channels until she'd stopped at a National Geographic documentation. It had been called 'The Tiny Kingdom', in reference to the 'Animal Kingdom', and it had covered the smallest of animals - insects and other arthropods. And as she'd watched the show, a tiny thought had popped up in her mind. How would it feel being an insect? 

At first, she hadn't thought much about it. But then, over the days, the thought had grown and Amanda had become more and more curious. Until she'd come to the decision to try it out. She'd pondered another two days over the question which insect she wanted to become. She wanted to savor the experience, and she certainly didn't want to be eaten by some bird after barely five minutes. So she'd decided to become an insect which could stay in the house and wouldn't have natural predators in this environment. 

What she'd chosen had therefore been the American Cockroach. She'd researched this little nuisance and had been very impressed by the multitude of senses a roach had. Being such a tiny critter would certainly be interesting. The only thing which had been missing to implement her plan had been getting someone into the boat who would transform her and then bring her back into the house. Her husband Steve, of course. 

"I didn't stop changing into animals because of the shock." she said now truthfully. "I did it because it became boring. And the shock? Well..." she shrugged, " was a shock, but I'd coped with it in a matter of days. One unpleasant experience among many, no harm done." 

"And you thought becoming a cockroach might be more interesting than being a doe? You know, I think that's where you're definitely right." 

"So you'll do it?" Amanda asked hopefully, perking up. 

Steve exhaled a half amused, half irritated sigh. "Yes, I will. You'll probably pester me for weeks to come if I say no. Although I have to confess that I'm not that keen on having a cockroach roaming around in our home, even when this specific cockroach turns out to be my lovely wife." 


Steve looked through the interface at Amanda. "Are you really sure you want to do this?" he asked seriously and on the other side, Amanda took a deep breath. 

Nonetheless, she met his eyes without trepidation. "Yes." she said calmly. "I do." 

"Well then-" Steve said and looked at his interface where he'd already selected the bubble with Amanda's shape for the next 24 hours, "-I guess that I will hear from you again on Sunday." and then he pressed the green button. 

There was no acknowledgment by Amanda. Instead, the timer counted down until the interface vanished and the door reappeared. More calmly than he really felt, Steve stepped out of the Venn Machine and went to the other booth. At first glance, it seemed to be empty, but he knew what he was looking for, and indeed, there it... she was. 

He stared at the small, brownish shape on the booth's floor for a few seconds and then went down into a crouch. "Amanda, can you hear me?" he asked and the cockroach he was looking at stopped moving its feelers. Steve breathed a short sigh of relief. That seemed to work, all right. They hadn't been sure whether a cockroach's hearing sense would be good enough to decipher human language. 


" hear me?" immediately, Amanda stopped sampling her surroundings. Steve's voice sounded strange, and it was very hard to make out syllables, since her whole new hearing apparatus seemed to be designed to pick up pressure differentials rather than language. 

She was still awed by her body's sheer... otherness. It was so totally different from everything else she'd been until now that it was mind boggling. Her senses were the first of all those changes. Suddenly, her vision seemed to be fragmented into thousands of individual views which came together into one, giant image. It required some getting used to because with normal eyes, she always needed to focus on something. Now, with compound eyes, made up of thousands of individual lenses, each lens was focused on one single point - she was looking at everything at the same time. Although the quality of the image seemed to be way below what a normal eye could have accomplished. 

Then there was the already mentioned hearing. She didn't have actual ears, but rather very susceptible hairs all over her body with which she could measure pressures in the air. At her back, there was a small pair of antennas which seemed to pick up even the slightest of Steve's breaths! Her sense of smell was something else as well. In fact, the two giant antennas sprouting from her head seemed to be a pair of very sensitive noses. 

Her limbs were totally different as well. For once, she had six of them, instead of the normal four - and she had no trouble moving all six, despite the fact that they had two joints. Additionally, there was a pair of muscles on her back as well, responsible for moving her wings. 

Plus her absolutely strange mouth. There were suddenly so many new muscles, moving unknown parts of her jaw. She even seemed to be chewing sideways now! 

But the biggest problem with this body were the instincts which came with the package - the cockroach in the back of her mind was scared shitless and wanted to scurry away as fast as possible. Every time Steve breathed and her back-antennas picked the pressure wave up, a new flight reflex was triggered and each time, Amanda had to keep her body tightly in check. It wouldn't do well for her if she'd race away and hide somewhere in the mall's corners - Steve would never find her again. 

Therefore she composed herself and tried to stay calm while her giant husband towered over her. 

"Okay, that's good." he said now. "Are you feeling all right in there? If yes, do as we defined before - walk a circle clock-wise for yes."

Gingerly, Amanda set her body in motion, all six clawed legs scraping over the booth's bottom. She had actually intended the circle to be a slow one, but instead she had the impression to accelerate to fifty miles and complete the turn in less then a second. 

Oh, wow... she thought. That was... interesting...

Again she felt Steve's sharp intake of breath, and again she had to firmly control her body from simply running away. She saw the giant above her taking something out of his jacket and placing it on the floor in front of her. Her front antenna sampled it and besides traces of food, they found no danger. But she knew what this was.

"Do you want to... climb in?" Steve asked now and motioned towards the jar which, from her perspective, seemed to have the size of a garage. 

Actually, she didn't. Or rather, the cockroach didn't. The jar practically screamed "trap", and yet she forced herself towards it, her six legs heaving her into the translucent transport case. As soon as she was fully inside, Steve lifted the jar again, and despite his obvious caution, she was violently thrown against the bottom. Thankfully, she now possessed an exoskeleton which sucked up the ensuing forces uncomplainingly. 

Which didn't make the whole thing more pleasant. Her clawed legs were slipping on the smooth glass without finding solid footing, and then Steve screwed the jar's lid on, making her feel like a trapped animal. Which she was, in a sense. At least she'd made sure before that the lid would have breathing holes. 

Steve seemed to examine her new body through the glass for the couple of minutes and then he started the walk back towards their car. Every step let her bounce against the walls of her prison and she dearly hoped that they would be at home soon. 


As Steve scrutinized the jar's inhabitant, he still couldn't quite wrap his mind around the fact that this was in fact his wife Amanda. Inside, he saw a nervous insect scurrying around, indistinguishable from any other cockroach. 

With a shake of his head he finally put the jar into his pocket and began walking. 

Fifteen minutes later, he was standing in their living room, the jar sitting in front of him. 

"Okay-" he murmured to himself, "-time to let her free." Gently, he unscrewed the lid and tilted the vessel. Then he waited, but not for long. Two long feelers appeared in the opening and slowly, Amanda maneuvered her smallish body out of her ride. Steve watched the cockroach scrabbling over the carpet for several seconds and then cleared his throat. 

Immediately, Amanda stopped and turned towards him. 

"Um..." he started, " I've put you down in our living room. You can start exploring the house now... if you want..." 

Amanda seemed to contemplate his proposal for a few seconds, except for her antennas, she didn't move. But then, suddenly, she darted forward and Steve had to suppress a yelp as the cockroach shot past his left foot with incredible speed, disappearing under the couch. 


To Amanda, it absolutely didn't look like their living room. Instead, she had the impression of being stranded in an endless prairie. Her compound eyes simply didn't have the range to look past the carpet's boundaries she was currently sitting on. Not that she intended to stay here. 

Okay... she thought, Steve is right. I think it's time to explore the house... 

She wanted to start walking but then she reconsidered. There were still her roach instincts in the back of her mind. Why not letting them take control now? Simply for trying out... they'd probably help her in exploring the vicinity. So she released her iron grip on her other mind a little bit and waited for what would happen. The resulting reaction hit her like a hammer. 

There was fear. She was in the open, in the light, she didn't like the light, and there was a predator in front of her, she had to flee! Amanda was still trying to process this tsunami of panicked thoughts as she found her body moving on its own. And not at a leisurely pace, either. 

Suddenly, she was practically flying over the carpet, at a subjective speed well above anything she'd ever managed on a highway. Probably even twice that fast. And more. A fearful thought of bumping into something at these speeds surfaced when her antenna brushed against an obstacle. She didn't have to think about evading, she simply did. Her six legs adjusted her vector and she shot past Steve's shoes. 

Now she was on the smooth surface of the hardwood floor and her speed rose even farther. And now she realized something peculiar about her eyes as well - somehow, she had the impression of seeing everything in slow-motion - but in real-time. This was paradoxical, of course, but she couldn't think of any other way to describe it. 

And then a large, looming something piled up in front of her and she darted under the couch into safety. 

As if a switch had been flipped, her roach mind was suddenly satisfied. She was in a safe place where the predator couldn't catch her. 

Dazed, Amanda battled her instincts back into submission.

Whew... she thought. That was... interesting. I'll have to be more careful with these in the future... 

Nonetheless, she started exploring her hide. It took only a couple of minutes until she'd scrutinized every square inch of it. There were dust bunnies everywhere, and bits and pieces of food - leftovers of snacks Steve and her had eaten while watching movies. The food's smell clearly appealed to her roach mind, and despite her human mind's inhibitions of eating week-old leftovers, she let her instincts take over again. Soon she was holding a piece of taco in her front pair of legs, happily munching away. The process of eating in this body was extremely strange as well. First she spit saliva on the food and then she started grinding it into a sticky paste with her side-chewing jaw which she eventually swallowed. 

After she'd stilled her hunger for now, she contemplated what she would do next, absentmindedly cleaning her sensitive antennas meanwhile. She didn't like light in this body, which was quite understandable. After all, cockroaches were nocturnal creatures. But there was no way to leave the couch's safety without getting out into the light again. Therefore... would she have possessed human shoulders, she would have shrugged. Instead, she simply kept on cleaning her antennas while she waited patiently for darkness to come. 


The next morning, Steve slurped sullenly into the kitchen. Actually, he had expected his 'Amanda-free-weekend' to be relaxing. After all, it was a weekend with only him (and a cockroach, somewhere) in the house. Unfortunately, it was also a weekend with only him (and a cockroach, somewhere), in the house. 

He hadn't been able to focus on anything over the previous evening. He'd tried playing games on his computer, but somehow, he'd lacked concentration. Then he'd tried watching a couple of action flicks, but he hadn't been able to concentrate on these, either. After all, he knew that somewhere below the couch he was sitting on, a truly majestic cockroach was hiding its brownish carapace. 

Therefore he'd packed his laptop and spent the rest of the time in Amanda's and his bedroom. Peering over at the door every minute or so, looking for brownish insects scurrying through the door crack. Irritated with himself, he'd finally put out the lights to sleep. Only to lie awake for literally hours, constantly imagining a six-legged rustle disturbing his sleep. 

"Thank God it's over this afternoon and she'll change back." he grumbled while he grabbed himself a bowl, filling it with cereals and milk. "I wonder where my cockroach-turned wife is scurrying around right now?" he mused while pouring himself a glass of orange juice. He was just in the process of gulping down his juice as he noticed a hair in his bowl. 

Irritated, he reached for it with his spoon. But somehow, it was looking strange for a hair. It was looking almost like... in a giant choke, half the orange juice he'd just swallowed erupted all over the kitchen, but Steve only had eyes for the 'hair' in his milky cereals. Which was suddenly moving. Like a leg.

Stunned, he stared into his breakfast where a brownish shape surfaced in the cereals-swamp, desperately paddling for shore with all six legs. 

For a few seconds, Steve was simply shocked. But then... "Amanda?" he gasped, "Is that you?" 

The cockroach in his bowl stopped struggling for a moment. And then started wheeling with all six legs even more violently, confirming his suspicion. 

"Amanda..." he asked dangerously, "What the hell are you doing in my breakfast?" By now, the cockroach, Amanda had reached dry land, a small cereal hill on the side. She tried climbing the bowl's walls, but they were too slippery for her to be successful, and her wings were apparently too wet to be usable. 

Steve glowered at the trapped insect. "These are my cereals, dammit!" he cursed, "Hand-made by my mother. If you remember correctly, each of us got the same share, only that you finished yours a week ago. And now you're raiding mine? As a cockroach?" he threw his hands up in exasperation. "I can't believe it!" 

By now, Amanda had stopped struggling and simply waited on her small float, dipping her long antennas in what looked like a gesture of humiliation. Steve sighed defeated. 

"I'm getting you out there, but then I want you gone from the kitchen, is that clear? I don't care that you're also my wife, but you're currently a cockroach, and cockroaches have no business in our kitchen, you understand me? Dip your antennas again for yes." 

Obediently, the cockroach dipped her antennas again and Steve lowered his spoon into the bowl. Actually, he'd wanted to heave her out on it. But apparently, Amanda had other plans. As soon as the spoon made contact with the bowl's contents, her six legs blurred to life and Steve yelped as he suddenly had a cockroach racing up his finger and hand. From there, it jumped down on the table, raced over it and disappeared over the edge. The last Steve saw of his insect-turned wife was her brownish carapace darting under the door. 

Stunned by his wife's sudden escape, he looked after her for half a minute, then sat down again. Scowling, Steve looked at his spoon and the cereals. Somehow, he couldn't get the image of the cockroach paddling around in his food out of his head and with a whiny face, he took the bowl and dumped its contents into the garbage. 


Relieved, Amanda scurried through the tear in the floor's wall into the welcoming darkness. Her current body really didn't like light and suddenly being exposed in the brightly lit kitchen hadn't been pleasant. 

Actually, she really regretted the incident with Steve's cereal. The problem was, she hadn't realized that the cozy place she'd chosen for a nap had been Steve's cereal box. But given its content's obvious flavor, she could have guessed. 

And I really should have... she thought gloomily while her front pair of legs and her mouth were busy cleaning her antennas. Probably half an hour after Steve had killed the lights and left the living room the previous evening, Amanda had dared to leave her hide in her cockroach's body. She'd first explored the living room and then used cracks and tears in the walls to roam the house. 

What she'd experienced there had been totally exciting. It had been almost like another world, hidden away behind the walls of their home. The sheer multitude of animals living there they were apparently sharing their house with had been mind-boggling, and two times, she'd nearly become prey to mouses. 

Finally, after several hours of exploration, she'd somehow found her way into a closet. She hadn't been sure which closet, but she hadn't really cared. Instead, she had followed her sense of smell, right into a deliciously smelling container and devoured some of the treats inside. And then she'd simply put herself to rest. 

That was, until she'd suddenly felt her hide being moved and in the next moment, she had found herself being dumped in Steve's breakfast bowl, buried by cereals and milk. 

Actually... it's kind of hilarious... she thought now, But in his place, I'd have reacted poorly as well. Suddenly finding a cockroach in my food. Brrr... 

By now, she had finished grooming her antennas, and satisfied, she started to probe forwards. When I'm already awake I can also explore these walls a bit further... she thought cheerfully and moved her six legs, the large cockroach she had become scurrying deeper into the house's walls. 


"Five, four, three, two, one..." expectantly, Steve looked around. Finally, their home would be roach-free again. Because right now, Amanda should transform back. 

"Amanda?" he called loudly, but there was no response. Steve furrowed his brows. Where is... 

He nearly jumped as his phone rang. Startled, he looked at the display. It was Amanda. 

"Yes...?" he asked, and his wife's voice came out of the speaker, sounding a little bit embarrassed.

"Um... hi, honey. I'm back. Could you please collect me at the Venn Machine?"

"Venn Machine? What are you doing at the Venn Machine?"

"Um..." she sounded almost like a naughty school girl now, "I think I may have been somewhere where it wasn't safe for me to change back. When I've interpreted the smell correctly, somewhere under our bathroom..."

"I don't think I wanna know." Steve grumbled back. "I'm coming."  

Twenty minutes later, Amanda jumped into the waiting car, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "I'm back, honey." she said coyly. "And the thing with the cereals... I'm really sorry, I really didn't know where I ended up." 

Steve sighed. "It's alright." he said, forcing a smile. "I thought so. Still... it was really... disgusting seeing you paddling around in my food. You really were yucky cockroach specimen. Big, and brown, and hairy legs..." 

Amanda laughed. "Hey, be careful Mister, or are you just calling your wife yucky." 

"Not in her current shape, no." Steve replied back sanctimonious and both laughed. Then Steve cleared his throat. "Um... and was it... interesting? Being a cockroach and stuff?" 

Now Amanda started beaming. "Yeah, it was really, really strange... the body, I mean. But boy, it was worth it. You have no idea how our home looks like when you're an insect! I tell you..." 

Cheerfully, she babbled on while Steve found himself listening with curiosity. 


"Oh, you're doing an Easter cleaning?" Amanda looked up as the voice of her husband pierced the vacuum cleaner's whine. It had been a few weeks since her cockroach experience by now. 

"Honey? I haven't heard you opening the door!" she exclaimed startled and Steve chuckled. 

"No wonder!" he said. "The thing's loud enough that you'd overhear a helicopter landing in our garden." Appreciatively, he looked around, taking in the spotless corners. "But why are cleaning, anyway? It's my turn this week, actually. And..." he looked at the bottom, noticing the odd dust bunny here and there, "...why are you only cleaning the corners?" 

Amanda sighed and killed the machine. Well, I need to ask him anyway... she thought, And this is probably the best moment. 

"I'm not cleaning, actually." she explained her husband therefore. "I'm hunting." 

Now Steve looked positively puzzled. "Hunting?" he asked, "What on earth do you hunt with a vacuum cleaner? It can't be dust bunnies, those are still alive and flopping, as far as I see." 

Amanda smiled impishly. "I'm hunting spiders." 

"Oh, right." Steve nodded. "But wait, you've never hunted spiders before. In fact, whenever I wanted to remove some, you told me to leave them alone because they do no harm and are quite useful animals. So why the change of heart...?"

Amanda's smile became even more mischievous now. "Let's just say they will become a menace to me this weekend..." 

"They will become a menace to... wait... WHAT?" bewildered, Steve's eyes flew wide open. "You're not actually telling me that...?" he added weakly, but his wife already nodded vigorously. 

"Oh, but I'm soooo curios, honey!" she exclaimed enthusiastically now. "Really! And I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing our home with a common housefly next weekend, now would you? Come on, as a housefly, I won't be as disgusting as a cockroach. And I want to be able to fly as an insect! As a cockroach I could only glide. Sort of..." 

Glumly, Steve stared at his excited wife. There was only one thing he could reply, really. 

"But no bathing in my cereals this time, okay...?" 
Synopsis: Since her adventure as a shark, Amanda has tried out several other animal forms, such like cats, birds, or deer. But those are not satisfying to her anymore, she wants to try being something really different. And then, one day, she watches a documentary about our planet's smallest creatures... 

This is kind of a sequel to my story "Huntress of the Seas". It has been in the works for... hm... months, I think? The reason for this delay is that I originally intended it to contain a multitude of changes. "Weekend 1", "Weekend 2", "Weekend 3", etc. But somehow, that would have killed the story, I think. And made it boring. So I stayed with only the first one. I'm not that satisfied with this story either, but I think it's quite okayish anyway. I just didn't want it to be another half-finished story catching dust in my Stash account. There are quite a few of that kind... 


Animal (Cockroach)

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CapricornGenesis's avatar
I'd love to read about Amanda's fly escapades sometime ^_^